Thursday, February 21, 2008

About The WeatherMan

Home to The Penn State Department of Meteorology, one of the best in the world, The State College, PA office of the National Weather Service, and, the world's largest and best private weather forecasting service, The State College area probably has one of the greatest concentrations of Meteorologists of anywhere in the country. The WeatherMan is one of the many.

The WeatherMan made his first forecast at the age of 5. At Miami Beach, a hurricane was approaching. Seeing the darking sky, quickening wind and mounting waves, WeatherMan said "looks like rain". Needless to say, that forecast was right, and launched WeatherMan toward a career in meteorology (even though he slept through the actual storm). In grade school, an entire bedroom wall was devoted to weather maps (can you say geek?!). After viewing as many evening TV weathercasts as possible (there was no Weather Channel, cable TV or internet back then), WeatherMan would put together his own "weathercast" and force his parents and anyone else unfortunate enough to be around at the time to watch it. Eventually, WeatherMan earned a degree in meteorology from Penn State in 1980 and has been forecasting the weather locally and around the world ever since. His forecasts are 95% accurate, according to his wife. (There are no actual statistical studies to back this up).

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